Focus on Fingering™ — fingering so easy it should be illegal!

ABOUT: A new paradigm of piano fingering has been born, made exclusively for piano mavericks! In this series, students and teachers may explore alternative fingering solutions presented in exercises and selected works based upon a new and original system of scale fingering. For over two centuries, the traditional fingering for classical-style scale passages has been 123-12345 (RH) and 54321-321 (LH); however, it is shown in the blueprint volume, A New & Improved System of Scale Fingering, that  the traditional C major fingering model is theoretically inconsistent and favors the weakest fingers, namely, 4-5. In contrast, the new system favors the strongest fingers, namely 1-2-3-4, and avoids 5 entirely for fast scale passages. This makes it much easier for beginners and intermediates to play movements fast and evenly, since they play the strongest fingers, and especially the thumb, more frequently. Not only do these clever "minimalist” fingering solutions result in crystal-clear articulation with much less practice, but they are more fun to play than the academically correct fingerings.  Progressive-minded students and teachers will find these ingenious fingering solutions and mind-opening fingering philosophy a breath of fresh air after conforming so long to fingering rules steeped in academic correctness. Most students and teachers are not aware that the “academically correct” fingerings given in most mainstream editions can always be improved with easier and more practical fingerings that do not conform to the traditional C major model. This is especially relevant in music by Classical Era composers like Mozart, Clementi, Beethoven, and Czerny. Indeed, enthusiastic students claim these fingerings are so easy they should be illegal!    

🎉 CLEMENTI: Six Sonatinas, Op. 36, edited with new and practical fingerings — Order Hardcopy | Download PDF

🎉 A New & Improved System of Scale Fingering (includes the 24 major and minor scales) Order Hardcopy | Download PDF

🎉 The 12 Major Scales with New & Improved Fingering — Order Hardcopy | Download PDF

🎉 Read Blog Article, “Minimalist Piano Fingering” CLICK HERE!


Get All 3 Books in the Series, Click Links Above!


CLEMENTI: Six Sonatinas, Op. 36, edited with new and practical fingerings

This beautifully engraved volume presents beneficial and enjoyable piano music graded for beginners through advanced levels edited with new and practical fingerings. Muzio Clementi published his Six Sonatinas, Op. 36 circa 1799, which have been a main staple for pianists of all levels for over 200 years. Traditionally, the C major fingering model has been assumed for most scale passages, yet it is shown in A New & Improved System of Scale Fingering (BachScholar, 2024) that there are often better solutions than conforming to this particular fingering model. The new and practical fingerings presented in this edition break all the rules with fun, daring, and ingenious solutions that greatly enhance the learning and performing of these wonderful works. Conservative teachers steeped in academia may not approve of some of these clever short cuts or “hacks”, yet students claim they are so easy they should be illegal!

A New & Improved System of Scale Fingering (includes the 24 major and minor scales)

The traditional system of fingering for the 24 major and minor scales is a flawed system wrought with inconsistencies. This book explains the logic behind a new and improved system of fingering derived from symmetrical mirror patterns. Includes all 24 major and relative minor (harmonic and melodic) scales two octaves in parallel and contrary motion, as well as parallel thirds, sixths, tenths with the new fingerings indicated. This important, groundbreaking book is required reading for all pianists.

The 12 Major Scales with New & Improved Fingering (primer on the major scales for teachers & students)

This primer book explains how to learn and teach the 12 major scales using the new fingerings as explained in A New & Improved System of Scale Fingering. This is an easy-to-follow book in beautiful landscape format, especially written for piano teachers and students and for those curious about the new system of fingering as it applies to the 12 major scales. This important, groundbreaking book is required reading for all pianists, and is especially great for beginners with its unique white and black key visualization exercises.