Discovering Bach’s Secret Tempo Code

ABOUT: “Discovering Bach’s Secret Tempo Code” is an ongoing free e-book which is periodically expanded, updated, and revised, representing a total of over 30 years’ research. I first discovered what I refer to as Bach’s “secret system of tempo” in 1992 as a graduate student in piano and musicology at the University of Kansas. The project was well underway from 1992-2002, which was put on hiatus in 2002 for the next 20 years. In 2022, I resumed working on the project aiming to make it into a book. However, instead of constantly struggling to get a “final product” to “cast into stone” for this highly technical project (i.e., a traditional print book), I thought it would be easier and more practical to simply present this book-in-progress as a blog on this website. I call this a “Book-in-a-Blog”! This way, I may add and edit content periodically as time permits for your reading pleasure. Please enjoy this free Book-in-a-Blog!

PLEASE NOTE: If you are reading this and you happen to have connections to a major publisher that could make this sort of thing into a bestseller (think along the lines of that intellectual bestseller years ago, Gödel, Escher, Bach) please email me. I honestly believe my discovery or “uncovering” of Bach’s tempo system is one of the most important and far-reaching musicological discoveries of the 20th and 21st centuries. If marketed and presented correctly, I see a bestseller. I see dollar signs for you (the publisher) and me! Please help! 

Sincerely, Cory Hall (D.M.A.)