Orgelbüchlein (BWV 599-644)
The Orgelbüchlein consists of 46 organ chorales organized sequentially by seasons according to the church calendar. The following bullet list summarizes Bach’s large-scale organization:
Advent – Four chorales, BWV 599-602, are grouped into two duration pairs.
Christmas – Ten chorales, BWV 603-612, are grouped into two duration pairs and two groups of three.
New Year – Three chorales, BWV 613-615, are grouped into one duration group of three.
Epiphany – Two chorales, BWV 616-617, are grouped into one duration pair.
Lent – Seven chorales, BWV 618-624, are grouped into four duration pairs. The last chorale in the Lent section, BWV 624, is paired with the first chorale of the Easter section, BWV 625.
Easter – Six chorales, BWV 625-630, are grouped into one duration pair and one group of three, except the first chorale, BWV 625, which is grouped with the last Lent chorale, BWV 624.
Pentecost – Four chorales, BWV 631-634, are grouped into two duration pairs. The last chorale, BWV 634, is a duplicate of the previous chorale, BWV 633, the only difference a minor change in ornamentation. Thus, the two duration pairs here consist of BWV 631-632 and BWV 632-633.
Catechism – Four chorales, BWV 635-638, are grouped into two duration pairs.
Miscellaneous – Six chorales, BWV 639-644, are grouped into three duration pairs.
✯ Advent: BWV 599-602
Movts 1-2 (1:1 duration ratio, 1:28-1:28)
Beat ratio = 80:78 — adjustment (+2 beats) — 80:80 = 1:1
Tempo ratio = 54:54 = 1:1
1:1 beat ratio ÷ 1:1 tempo ratio = 1:1 duration ratio — 1:28-1:28
Movts 3-4 (2:1 duration ratio, 1:30-0:45)
Beat ratio = 80:36 — adjustment (+1 beat) — 81:36 = 9:4
Tempo ratio = 54:48 = 9:8
9:4 beat ratio ÷ 9:8 tempo ratio = 2:1 duration ratio — 1:30-0:45
✯ Christmas: BWV 603-612
Movts 5-6 (1:1 duration ratio, 1:00-1:00)
Beat ratio = 48:44 — adjustment (-2 beats) — 48:42 = 8:7
Tempo ratio = 48:42 = 8:7
8:7 beat ratio ÷ 8:7 tempo ratio = 1:1 duration ratio — 1:00-1:00
Movts 7-8 (2:1 duration ratio, 2:00-1:00)
Beat ratio = 96:40 — adjustment (+2 beats) — 96:42 = 16:7
Tempo ratio = 48:42 = 8:7
16:7 beat ratio ÷ 8:7 tempo ratio = 2:1 duration ratio — 2:00-1:00
Movts 9-10 (1:1 duration ratio, 1:30-1:30)
Beat ratio = 108:111 — adjustment (-3 beats) — 108:108 = 1:1
Tempo ratio = 72:72 = 1:1
1:1 beat ratio ÷ 1:1 tempo ratio = 1:1 duration ratio — 1:30-1:30
Movts 10-11 (2:1 duration ratio, 1:30-0:45)
Beat ratio = 111:40 — adjustment (-3 beats, +1 beat) — 108:41 ≈ 8:3
Tempo ratio = 72:54 = 4:3
8:3 beat ratio ÷ 4:3 tempo ratio = 2:1 duration ratio — 1:30-0:45
Movts 12-13 (1:1 duration ratio, 2:00-2:00)
Beat ratio = 152:120 — adjustment (-8 beats, +6 beats) — 144:126 = 8:7
Tempo ratio = 72:63 = 8:7
8:7 beat ratio ÷ 8:7 tempo ratio = 1:1 duration ratio — 2:00-2:00
Movts 13-14 (3:2 duration ratio, 2:00-1:20)
Beat ratio = 120:64 — adjustment (+6 beats) — 126:64 ≈ 2:1
Tempo ratio = 63:48 ≈ 4:3
2:1 beat ratio ÷ 4:3 tempo ratio = 3:2 duration ratio — 2:00-1:20
✯ New Year: BWV 613-615
Movts 15-16 (1:2 duration ratio, 1:00-2:00)
Beat ratio = 60:96 — adjustment (+3 beats) — 63:96 ≈ 2:3
Tempo ratio = 63:48 ≈ 4:3
2:3 beat ratio ÷ 4:3 tempo ratio = 1:2 duration ratio — 1:00-2:00
Movts 16-17 (3:2 duration ratio, 2:00-1:20)
Beat ratio = 96:189 ≈ 1:2
Tempo ratio = 48:63 ≈ 3:4
1:2 beat ratio ÷ 3:4 tempo ratio = 2:3 duration ratio — 2:00-3:00
✯ Epiphany: BWV 616-617
Movts 18-19 (1:1 duration ratio, 2:00-2:00)
Beat ratio = 60:96 — adjustment (+3 beats) — 63:96 ≈ 2:3
Tempo ratio = 63:48 ≈ 4:3
2:3 beat ratio ÷ 4:3 tempo ratio = 1:2 duration ratio — 2:00-2:00
✯ Lent: BWV 618-624
Movts 20-21 (4:1 duration ratio, 4:00-1:00)
Beat ratio = 216:48 = 9:2
Tempo ratio = 54:48 = 9:8
9:2 beat ratio ÷ 9:8 tempo ratio = 4:1 duration ratio — 4:00-1:00
Movts 22-23 (3:2 duration ratio, 2:05-1:23)
Beat ratio = 100:88 — adjustment (-1 beat) — 100:87 ≈ 9:8
Tempo ratio = 48:63 ≈ 3:4
9:8 beat ratio ÷ 3:4 tempo ratio = 3:2 duration ratio — 2:05-1:23
Movts 24-25 (4:1 duration ratio, 4:00-1:00)
Beat ratio = 192:54 = 32:9
Tempo ratio = 48:54 = 8:9
32:9 beat ratio ÷ 8:9 tempo ratio = 4:1 duration ratio — 4:00-1:00
Movts 26-27 (1:1 duration ratio, 1:20-1:20)
Beat ratio = 64:64 = 1:1
Tempo ratio = 48:48 = 1:1
1:1 beat ratio ÷ 1:1 tempo ratio = 1:1 duration ratio — 1:20-1:20
✯ Easter: BWV 625-630
Movts 28-29 (1:4 duration ratio, 1:00-4:00)
Beat ratio = 108:244 — adjustment (+8 beats) — 108:252 = 3:7
Tempo ratio = 108:63 = 12:7
3:7 beat ratio ÷ 12:7 tempo ratio = 1:4 duration ratio — 1:00-4:00
Movts 30-31 (1:1 duration ratio, 1:00-1:00)
Beat ratio = 48:57 — adjustment (-3 beats) — 48:54 = 8:9
Tempo ratio = 48:54 = 8:9
3:7 beat ratio ÷ 8:9 tempo ratio = 1:1 duration ratio — 1:00-1:00
Movts 31-32 (2:3 duration ratio, 1:00-1:30)
Beat ratio = 57:81 — adjustment (-3 beats) — 54:81 = 2:3
Tempo ratio = 54:54 = 1:1
2:3 beat ratio ÷ 1:1 tempo ratio = 2:3 duration ratio — 1:00-1:30
✯ Pentecost: BWV 631-634
Movts 33-34 (1:2 duration ratio, 0:40-1:20)
Beat ratio = 32:68 — adjustment (-4 beats) — 32:64 = 1:2
Tempo ratio = 48:48 = 1:1
1:2 beat ratio ÷ 1:1 tempo ratio = 1:2 duration ratio — 0:40-1:20
Movts 34-35 (1:1 duration ratio, 1:25-1:25)
Beat ratio = 68:60 ≈ 8:7
Tempo ratio = 48:42 = 8:7
8:7 beat ratio ÷ 8:7 tempo ratio = 1:1 duration ratio 1:25-1:25
✯ Catechism: BWV 635-638
Movts 37-38 (1:1 duration ratio, 1:30-1:30)
Beat ratio = 80:96 — adjustment (-2 beats) — 80:94 ≈ 6:7
Tempo ratio = 54:63 = 6:7
6:7 beat ratio ÷ 6:7 tempo ratio = 1:1 duration ratio — 1:30-1:30
Movts 39-40 (2:1 duration ratio, 2:00-1:00)
Beat ratio = 128:56 — adjustment (-2 beats) — 126:54 = 7:3
Tempo ratio = 63:54 = 7:6
7:3 beat ratio ÷ 7:6 tempo ratio = 2:1 duration ratio — 2:00-1:00
✯ Miscellaneous: BWV 639-644
Movts 41-42 (2:1 duration ratio, 2:40-1:20)
Beat ratio = 144:80 — adjustment (+4 beats) — 144:84 = 12:7
Tempo ratio = 54:63 = 6:7
12:7 beat ratio ÷ 6:7 tempo ratio = 2:1 duration ratio — 2:40-1:20
Movts 43-44 (1:1 duration ratio, 2:00-2:00)
Beat ratio = 144:120 — adjustment (+6 beats) — 144:126 = 8:7
Tempo ratio = 72:63 = 8:7
8:7 beat ratio ÷ 8:7 tempo ratio = 1:1 duration ratio — 2:00-2:00
Movts 45-46 (3:2 duration ratio, 1:20-0:53)
Beat ratio = 64:40 — adjustment (+3 beats) — 64:43 ≈ 3:2
Tempo ratio = 48:48 = 1:1
3:2 beat ratio ÷ 1:1 tempo ratio = 3:2 duration ratio — 1:20-0:53