Inventions & Sinfonias (BWV 772-801)
Overview of the Inventions
The 15 Inventions first appeared as “Preambles” in a different order in the Notebook for Wilhelm Friedemann Bach. Analysis reveals a deliberate plan of order and symmetry in the Inventions applying the same tempos to both sets, suggesting that Bach organized the Inventions and Preambles simultaneously. Such an impressive mathematical feat could be understood as the “preamble-invention conundrum,” in which Bach the puzzle-solver worked out a likewise orderly and quasi-symmetrical plan for the Inventions. In essence, Bach found two solutions for a puzzle using the same fifteen pieces.
The 15 Inventions are contained within equal outer parameters, since the C major and B minor preambles consist of the same number of measures and have the same tempo. Between these two ends, which symbolize The Alpha & The Omega, the inventions are organized into twelve duration pairs, which also contribute to four multi-movement duration ratios: 2:3:2:2, 2:3:2, 1:1:1:1, 3:2:3. These occur in a symmetrical fashion with the first four and last four inventions having the following symmetrical layout: 1:20-2:00-1:20-1:20 | 1:20-1:20-2:00-1:20. Eight of the fifteen inventions have durations close to 1:20 and three of the fifteen have durations close to 2:00, showing a prominence of 2:3 and 3:2 duration ratios of 1:20-2:00 or 2:00-1:20. It is also significant that the next two inventions inwards from the beginning and end, nos. 2 and 14, have equal durations which creates a 2:3 ratio between the first two inventions and a 3:2 ratio between the last two inventions, which shows further symmetry. (2:3 and 3:2 are symmetrical.)
To summarize, the 15 Inventions are organized in a highly symmetrical fashion permeated throughout with 1:1, 1:2, 2:3, 3:2 as well as three and four-way 2:3:2:2, 2:3:2, and 1:1:1:1 duration ratios. Eleven of the fifteen inventions, nos. 1-4 and 8-15, have just two durations – 1:20 and 2:00 – which relate 2:3. The remaining three inventions, nos. 5-7, relate 2:3:2 at 1:30-2:15-1:30. This is all contained within equal inner parameters, nos. 3 and 13, at 1:30, nestled within equal inner parameters, nos. 2 and 14, at 2:00, nestled within equal outer parameters, nos. 1 and 15, at 1:20. This multiple-level symmetry symbolizes The Alpha & The Omega. (See Diagrams 1 and 2.)
Diagram 1. Temporal Organization in the 15 Preambles
Diagram 2. Temporal Organization in the 15 Inventions
Duration Ratios in the Inventions
This section breaks down and discusses all the invention pairs and groups and their duration ratios as shown in Diagram 2.
Inventions 1 & 15
Inventions 1 & 2
Inventions 2 & 3
Inventions 3 & 4
Inventions 1-2-3-4
Inventions 5 & 6
Inventions 6 & 7
Inventions 5-6-7
Inventions 8 & 9
Inventions 9 & 10
Inventions 10 & 11
Inventions 11 & 12
Inventions 12 & 13
Inventions 10-11-12-13
Inventions 13 & 14
Inventions 14 & 15
Inventions 13-14-15
Overview of the Sinfonias
The 15 Sinfonias first appeared as “Fantasias” in a different order in the Notebook for Wilhelm Friedemann Bach. Analysis reveals a deliberate plan of order and symmetry in the Sinfonias applying the same tempos, suggesting that Bach organized the Sinfonias and Fantasias simultaneously. Such an impressive mathematical feat could be understood as the “fantasia-sinfonia conundrum,” in which Bach the puzzle-solver worked out a likewise orderly and quasi-symmetrical plan for the Sinfonias. In essence, Bach found two solutions for a puzzle using the same fifteen pieces.
The 15 Sinfonias are contained within equal outer parameters, nos. 1 and 15, which symbolize BACH and The Alpha & The Omega, as discussed in a previous chapter. Between these two ends, the sinfonias are organized into eight duration pairs and one group of four. These occur in a symmetrical fashion with four pairs on either side and no. 9 in the middle, whose duration of 3:00 is twice that of 1:30. This shows a symmetrical 1:2:1 duration ratio between the first, middle, and last sinfonias. Six of the fifteen inventions have equal durations of about 1:30 while three have durations of 2:15, these two durations of which relate 2:3.
To summarize, the 15 Sinfonias are organized in a highly symmetrical fashion permeated throughout with 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:3, 3:2, and 1:1:1:1 duration ratios. Nine of the fifteen sinfonias have just two durations – 1:30 and 2:15 – which relate 2:3. This is all contained within equal outer parameters, nos. 1 and 15, equal at 1:30. This multiple-level symmetry symbolizes BACH and The Alpha & The Omega. Please refer to discussion of this topic in previous chapter. (See Diagrams 3 and 4
Diagram 3. Temporal Organization in the 15 Fantasias
Diagram 4. Temporal Organization in the 15 Sinfonias
Duration Ratios in the Sinfonias
This section breaks down and discusses all the sinfonia pairs and groups and their duration ratios as shown in Diagram 4.
Sinfonias 1 & 15
Sinfonias 1 & 2
Sinfonias 2 & 3
Sinfonias 3 & 4
Sinfonias 1-2-3-4
Sinfonias 5 & 6
Sinfonias 6 & 7
Sinfonias 5-6-7
Sinfonias 7 & 8
Sinfonias 1-9-15
Sinfonias 10 & 11
Sinfonias 11 & 12
Sinfonias 12 & 13
Sinfonias 13 & 14
Sinfonias 14 & 15